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专家单位 中法水务投资有限公司
专家职位 执行董事
擅  长 生活污水的处理及中水回用、海水淡化、饮用水处理工艺及水质分析、水厂管理
专家领域 市政供水工艺技术,自来水厂运营管理,自来水公司经营管理,饮用水水质安全技术与管理,城镇污水处理工艺技术,污水处理厂运营管理,污水深度处理与再生利用工艺技术,排水系统及管网技术与管理,海水淡化,水业政策,水业市场,投融资,管理,膜处理设备


Captial Territory Electricity and Water Co., Ltd),从事污水回用技术开发。
  2002年苏伊士集团旨在培训集团内高级管理人才的"Being A Global Player Program" 成员。

1. 张金松,范晓军(Co-Editors), Collection of Drinking Water Standards, Press of Chinese Architecture Industry, 2001
Journal papers:
1. FAN Xiao-jun, QIAN Yi, "Study on the Accumulation of deposits in Wastewater Stabilization Pond". China J. Environ. Sci., Vol. 13, No. 4, 1992
2. Fan Xiao-jun, V. Urbain, Yi Qian and J. Manem, "Nitrification and Mass Balance with MBR for Municipal Wastewater Treatment", Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol. 34, No. 1 - 2
3. XJ Fan, V. Urbain, Y Qian, J. Manem, WJ Ng and SL Ong, "Nitrification in a membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment", Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol. 42, No. 3 - 4, pp.289 - 294, 2000
4. WJ Ng, SL Ong, N Sarada, JY Hu, XJ Fan and WS Ang, "Quantification of foaming behaviors using foam index", Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol. 42, No. 3 - 4, pp.423 - 428, 2000
5. XJ Fan, V. Urbain, Y Qian, J. Manem, "Ultrafiltration of activated sludge with ceramic membranes in a cross-flow membrane bioreactor process", Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol.41, No. 10 - 11, pp.243 - 250, 2000
6. WJ Ng, SL Ong, MJ Gomez, JY Hu and XJ Fan, "Study on a sequencing batch membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment", Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol.41, No. 10 - 11, pp.227 - 234, 2000
7. Song H. U., Fan X. J., Zhang Y. Y., Feng Y. B. and Wang T. C., "Application of Microfiltration for Reuse of Backwash water in Conventional Water Treatment Plant: A Case Studay". Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol.01, No. 05 - 06, pp.199 - 207, 2001
8. J. Lavaud, G. Parésys, C. Rigart, B. Rousseau, A. W. M. Wong, F. Fan, J.-P. Barbier and A.-L. Etienne. "Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of phytoplanktonic populations by trichromatic fluorescence excitation with special focus on cyanobacteria." Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Aug., 2001
9. 范晓军,陈佩堂,"澳门周围水域原虫调查研究",中国给水排水

Conference Papers:
1. LUO Jian-ming, FAN Xiao-jun, et al., "Water Pollution Control Strategy in China", Proceedings of the National Symposium on the Water Pollution Control Strategy in China, Beidaihe, China, July 1992.
2. Ding Fan, Fan Xiao-jun, "Denitrifcation with Submerged Biofilter", Proceedings of World Congress III on Engineering and Environment", Beijing, China, Oct. 1993
3. Fan Xiao-jun, W. J. Ng and S. L. Ong, "Nitrification in a Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)", Oral presentation, WEFTEC Asia'98, Singapore, 7 - 11, March, 1998
4. Water Production. Oct. 3-6, 2000, Paris, France.
5. 汪浩,叶倩华,刘慧敏,范晓军,"中小规模城市供水系统水质保障措施-澳门经验",城镇饮用水安全保障技术研讨会论文集,深圳,2004年8月